One Lovely Blog

Quite a surprise to find out I was nominated for an award. First and foremost I must thank Sarca over at her blog known as Caught Me Gaming – a blog I frequent quite often – for this nomination.  Never anticipated something like this, but I most graciously accept and will continue updating this blog with reviews whenever I can.

Rules for this nomination include the following:

  1. Thank the one that nominated you.
  2. Put up the picture for the One Lovely Blog Award.
  3. Tell everyone seven things about yourself.
  4. Nominate seven other people and tell them that you’ve nominated them.

Seven things about me:

1. I grew up in Southern Ontario where I have resided for over 23 years. A major transition will soon occur in my life once I relocate to Britain soon in the near future.

2. Gaming has played a major role in my life and I truly enjoy writing about them as I believe games can be enjoyed by anyone. I find current mainstream gaming a bit stale so I like to write about adventure games – a niche genre – to inform others about their existence and hopefully pique their interest.

3. Music is something I do hold an interest in. I am generally open-minded as aI listen to everything from rock to classical and even Irish music. I especially have a strong passion for orchestration. From a young age I was even able to appreciate the sounds made through the NES sound chip, which I use to record on a video cassette recorder as kid.

4. Favourite foods would have to be pretty much any Asian style of cuisine. *yummy* or seafood.

5. Medieval history is something I have an interest in. Most books I read are based around this point in history. The books I read are mostly non-fiction but there are a few exceptions here and there I make for fiction. One of the best books of fiction I ever read was’ World Without End’ by Ken Follett.

6. My hope is to one day see an Irish band like Clannad in concert. They primarily perform in Europe.

7. Finding friends with common interest in terms of gaming seems to be a bit of a challenge. Most North American gamers are more interested in shooters and sports games, the people I know mostly play the former.


Seven blogs I think should be nominated for this Lovely Blog Award (in no particular order):

Beer and Joysticks: First thing that caught my attention was the name. I don’t drink and game at the same time but I found the name to be quite an interesting combination. Their game content is mostly mainstream and they deserve respect on the presentation of their site alone.

What’s your Tag: Their web blog layout is nicely done and the comics they have on the blog is a nice touch and are quite fascinating to read.

Just Book Reading: I find the books the blog author reads to be quite interesting. I am always thinking of other novels to take an interest in so like to read opinions of others.

Slicing up eyeballs: The 80s is probably my favourite era when it comes to music. This blog updates with information from bands from that era. I highly recommend checking out this website if you even have the slightest interest in rock or music from the 80s.

For the love of Video Game Music: The blog author allows people to listen to music from the latest games – many including Japanese RPGs – and provides information such as who composed the songs

Simply Recipes: If you are adventurous or bored with your everyday recipes then this is the blog for you. Elise Bauer provides pictures with recipes on various types of cooking. Her blog is updated quite often so there is always something new to try.

The Science Blog: For an interest in science this is the blog to traverse. Regularly updated with cool and interesting facts about nature and the universe.

The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief (Chapter 1)


This game is designed by KING art games and revolves around murder and mystery, which more than piqued my interest. The main protagonist is a man named Constable Zellner. Mysterious events have occurred such as the Raven stealing from a Museum.


Continue reading “The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief (Chapter 1)”

Broken Sword – DC


It has been many years since I first played through this classic adventure title – the original version at the time – and I was curious to see how this Director’s Cut edition was in comparison to the original. I must say – even today – I enjoyed this title very much as it still holds the charm it did all those years ago.

Continue reading “Broken Sword – DC”