
Thought I’d spruce up the blog with a new theme as my eyes tend to grow weary of dark themes.

Will see how thing new theme goes for now. It seems I’ve been mainly writing about games for the past few weeks as I am not really watching any new shows as of late.

I may do a review for a book known as Sarum soon as I have been slowly clawing my way through that one.

Yu Suzuki Interview on the Future of Shenmue

Interview I stumbled across earlier today. It is quite a pleasant surprise to know how passionate Yu Suzuki is about the series he created, which must come to a conclusion one day.

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This was considered to be Sierra’s big project with a massive budget. Roberta Williams has put a lot of effort into this title which – I believe – is her favourite project amongst them all; It is an FMV adventure game. FMV adventure games tend to hold a soft spot for me overall as I find a lot of charm in playing realistic 2d characters in a pre-rendered game environment.

Continue reading “Phantasmagoria”