Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishment


           A giant leap from the last outing but not without flawsdivider
Here we have another entry into the world of Sherlock Homes by Frogwares Studio. With quite a number of Sherlock Holmes titles under their belt the series has constantly been getting better with each iteration. Without further undo onto the story shall we?


You begin your adventure in the apartment of Sherlock Holmes who we find none other than Sherlock Holmes at one of his crazy antics involving firing a gun blindfolded in his own living room. Watson questions Sherlock’s behavior and eventually arrive the story arrives at the beginning of the first of 6 cases in this adventure. Some stories have been directly adapted from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories in the original books.

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Legends of Localization

The old school Zelda fan in me couldn’t resist picking up this piece of gaming history after listening to a Retronauts podcast.

It is quite in depth and contains a lot of interesting insights on the original Zelda from the very first english translation to the latest.

Legends of Localization Book 1: The Legend of Zelda

The following Items can be purchased from the above link.


Code Realize


                 Standard take on the Arsene Lupin Universedivider
Code Realize is a visual-novel project by Aksys Games of the Otome genre. Otome primarily has a romance theme to its storyline and here we have a female protagonist named Cardia who comes from royalty.


Cardia learns she has poison thoughout her body and the gem in her chest seems to have the story behind all this. Eventually ends up in the company of Arsene Lupin (the gentleman thief) and his associates whom decide to help her solve the mystery of her gem and the story behind her father. For those unfamiliar with the Arsene Lupin he is known to be stealthy as he steals from high security facilities with a London setting and has a bit of a romantic charm to his persona as well.

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